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The 100 Day Project 2023
100 Days of Expressive Art
On this page you will find links to all of the projects I have already created for The 100 Day Project 2023.
For my theme I chose to concentrate on expressive art. Within expressive I will be concentrating on 5 different mediums. Doodling, acrylic painting, watercolors, collage and alcohol inks.
For my theme I chose to concentrate on expressive art. Within expressive I will be concentrating on 5 different mediums. Doodling, acrylic painting, watercolors, collage and alcohol inks.
The challenge is broken up into 5 sections. The newest posts are on top.
If you scroll down to the bottom you will see all of the beginning posts which started with doodling.
The doodling posts have some explanations on the pages since each time I used a different marker or pen. I also have links to most of the materials I used.
The pointing section has the image and video in the posts that I used different color schemes. I am mostly using standard craft paints for my paintings. For any post that I did something a bit different there is more of an explanation.