This idea was taken from the book Paint Mojo by Tracy Verdugo. Below is what it looked liked before the pieces were cut up and mounted. Its very similar to the piece I did in paint, stamp cut and paste where you just play with materials and when you're done you create something beautiful. I very often start off a project that I got from a book on website and then go off on my own...which is what mixed media is all about.

- To begin I first chose a few symbols to use for this piece. A spiral, a leaf, and some other simple designs were ones that I chose.
- I painted, drew the symbols you see, made some stamps with ez cut blocks of the symbols, stamped with them and made a general mess following Tracy Verdugos instructions in Paint Mojo.
- Her instructions then included masking out some interesting parts of the painting and cutting them out. I took this a bit further and masked 6 small paintings from the large one. What I mean by masking is that I took a rectangular open shape and moved it around the paper to see where I could see what various pieces looked like independent of the whole.
- I then cut out 6 small pieces from whatever looked pleasing to me and then pasted them onto a black piece of tagboard
- I then added in gold paint accents to some of the areas on each of the small paintings. (I love gold and metallics)
- Using the gold I had left I then stamped some gold circles onto the black to connect with the gold in the small paintings. I think I used a lid of a small jar to stamp the circles.
Pinnable image below