abstract mixed media piece of black background

This was a REAL jumpstart for me.

I joined Creativity Jumpstart 2017 for the first time. It is a paid course with 24 artists presenting each day. All of us who joined are encouraged to create based on inspiration from the artist of that particular video/day.

Today was the first day and I enjoyed watching the video by Marsha Valk but, my feeling was...Hey! There's no directions, just watching her create really cool artwork. There was no way I was going to try to create anything like she did.

I then hopped over to the show and tell page where participants can ​upload the artwork they created and started looking through the submissions. And guess what? I got inspired by another participants post Katy Leitch from the U.K.

I realized that I only need to concentrate on some basic things and could create art with those points.

The points I took out of the video were:

  1. Start with a black background
  2. Add vivid color
  3. Add collage elements
  4. Add white dots and writing
  5. Use circles

So that's what I did.

I painted an 11x14 canvas panel black. Used some old, painted papers to cut up and add to the piece. Threw on some gold glitter that I found while rummaging through my closet and added a big, bright, magenta circle.

As I  looked at it I realized that it looked like a Universe. So I googled universe quotes and found this one quite appropriate "Nothing Happens Until Something Moves". That something was ME.

So I  moved and I continued adding washi tape, white dots and gold dots and then I was done.

I couldn't believe I actually had created something inspired by that video.

Looking forward to the next ones.


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  • You did great! Isn’t it fun?! I was overwhelmed, too. I thought, gee, that video went by so quickly! Where are the instructions? So like you I watched it a couple of times, got the main points and forged on. I love what you did and what a great idea to find a quote that applied to your specific artwork.

    • Thanks Gloria. It really is a great way to learn to take main points like you said and forge on. And I did a quote cuz I thought Marsha did 🙂 but, all you have to do is google a topic and you get inundated with quotes.

  • Hahaha! Nope, I don’t do directions ;-). Well… sometimes I do, but when it comes to CJS, that’s about inspiration and trying something out of your comfort zone! And… I think it worked!!! I’m so glad you did your own thing! Thanks for sharing!

    • Yes Marsha it really was out of my comfort zone but, it was a good learning experience to take parts of your video and not to think I had to do it all.

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