This was an interesting inspiration because the what inspired me here was the use of a material. Jimmy Leslie did not create a piece from start to finish but, just encouraged us to use certain materials. One of them was modeling past, pushing it through stencils and I decided to go with that idea.
I started by painting a journal page with this gorgeous blue paint from ranger that I had just bought. (The link has the whole set, but I only bought the blue).
I then looked for a stencil I wanted to use and found this one that I had cut myself. (If you look you can see how uneven the cutting is :)

I also have not been using the real modeling paste as it is quite expensive and I discovered that spackle or joint compound works just as well. (aside from being quite a bit cheaper)
Instead of just using the spackle and then coloring it, I mixed it with paint. I started with 2 greens and then used yellow and red as well.

I slathered the different colors of paint mixed with spackle through the stencil, holding it down to get the flowers & the stems at the same time.

After I carefully removed it, I added the birds and butterflies through some other homemade stencils I had.
When dry I added green to the stems that got other color on them and added some embellishment.

I hope you can see the dimension of the paint/spackle.
I like your stencils. I am thinking about making some of my own. Just have to figure out how to do it!
Thanks Anne. What I do is get images online that I like and I buy the stencil material from Amazon and cut them on a cutting mat with an xacto knife. I had bought a stencil cutting machine but, its not so easy to use and you have to use it on glass.
What a great idea to use spackle instead of a more expensive art medium! And then to incorporate the paint into the spackle rather than painting afterward. very clever. Nice job.
Thank you…I’m sure I saw the idea somewhere..I doubt I’m such a genius to have though of it on my own 🙂
I love the fact the stencil is hand cut – that’s so cool. The final effect is great – I *can* see the texture.
Thanks Cath I wasn’t so happy it hadnt cut so smoothly, but I guess there is a benefit to it
I love what you did here- so much dimension- gorgeous!!!