Art was never my thing growing up, even though I did love art supplies.
I loved kids and photography so I got my masters in education and became an early childhood educator. I also developed my portrait photography sills at the same time and became a high end portrait photographer. I was however, NOT not an artist because artist were people who knew how to draw and I did not.
The only one who though I was an artist was my Mom (of course).
I did love art though and made sure to give my students lots of developmentally appropriate art. I even started a website for parents and teachers to give kids the best possible art.
Challenged to start a creativity website for adults in a course I was taking I started doing research on creativity and stumbled across mixed media art. It was nothing I had ever come across and I was hooked.
While doing even more research for my new love of mixed media I came across alcohol inks and was hooked even further.
Two great ways to have fun while getting rid of perfectionism and relaxing at the same time.
After spending much time learning and practicing this craft I learned that it’s never too late to take up art and you don’t need an art school degree do so either. You don’t have to be a fine artist when you can be a fun artist.
If you love crafts, art, art supplies or all of the above then more than anything I want you to be able to tap into your natural, innate creativity that was most probably squashed in school or anytime in your early years when you were told that you could only do art if you knew how to draw.
I want to help you reignite your creativity by discovering the few mediums where you can create art without judgment. Doodling, abstract painting, collage and of course alcohol inks. Working with these mediums will help you relax and create and your creativity will shine through and be reignited.
As Brene Browns says in her book The Gifts of Imperfection
"There's no such thing as creative and non-creative people. There are only people who use their creativity and people who don't. Unused creativity doesn't just disappear. It lives within us until it's expressed, neglected to death or suffocated by resentment and fear"
I feel starting with non threatening, fun, meditative mediums are a great way to start.
To get started you pick up my FREE Creativity Bundle that has 2 videos, some worksheets and a great article explaining how creativity is great for mental health. Go get the Creativity Bundle here