This piece is a no fail watercolor flower garden. Diana does it on a 400 lb watercolor pad, but since I did not have that I just did it in my Canson journal.
I started by making some loose flower like shapes with my palette knife and gesso. I scratched some marks into the gesso while applying it.

I then took my Pelikan watercolors (which I haven't used in such a long time since I've been mainly using acrylics)and I made my brush very wet and started washing paint over the non gessoed areas. (yes, some got onto the gesso) There was a small stain on my paper on the left, but I knew it would be covered up by the paint.

I then made my brush extremely wet and added green to it and tried making stems by making the paintbrush drip with paint and water. It didn't go that well. I think when Diana did it she had a huge brush which made it much easier.

I made sure to dry the page in between steps and when it was dry from my stem making I filled my brush with yellow and swished around in the circles of gesso.

I was supposed to add what I wanted to the flowers including gold accents (which I absolutely love anyway) However, I just bought some wonderful watercolor crayons by recollections last night and there is this gorgeous yellow/ metallic as part of the set. I added a touch of red to the flowers and then just colored around with the gold yellow which gives it an iridescent quality.
I then took a green metallic watercolor crayon, lengthened the stems and added some flowers to the stems.

It was basically finished, but I did add some tiny black dots to the centers of the flowers and a few black lines to the stems. I think it helped finish it off.

I love the colour contrasts, the background is lovely.